This was the pre-arranged signal to Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov and a group of armed officers in a nearby room, who burst in and arrested Beria. Shortly after Stalin's death, Beria announced triumphantly to the Politburo that he had "done [Stalin] in" and "saved [us] all", according to Molotov's memoirs. Nina Alekseyeva's tragic trajectory to fame was only cut short when Lavrenty Beria, who oversaw Stalin's infamous gulags, was outsmarted by Nikita Khrushchev, summarily tried and shot. En insistant auprès de Nestor Lakoba (en)[5], ami de Staline et dirigeant de l’Abkhazie, il est présenté par ce dernier en septembre 1931 à son compatriote Joseph Staline[6]. Simon Sebag Montefiore le décrit comme « à moitié chauve, petit et agile, avec un visage large et poupin, des lèvres sensuelles et gonflées, et des « yeux de serpent » qui clignaient derrière un pince-nez scintillant »[2]. Born of a noble family, Gegechkori joined the revolutionary underground in 1902 and the Bolshevik party in 1908. Saistīts saturs. Accounts of Beria's fall vary considerably. L'auteur raconte également qu'il était doté d’une « cruauté raffinée »[2] : il adorait torturer des personnes et s'avérait doué pour les empoisonner[25]. He became a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1934. Lookup Any Name - Try Today! Lavrenti Beria nació el 31 de marzo de 1899 en Merkheuli, una aldea del ókrug de Sujumi, situado en la región georgiana de Abjasia, por entonces una de las zonas más atrasadas del Imperio ruso. En février 1953, Ignatiev accélère à la demande de Staline le montage du « complot mingrélien », puis du complot des blouses blanches. Jusqu'en 1942, les milieux scientifiques soviétiques étaient plutôt sceptiques quant à la possibilité de réaliser une bombe atomique, considérant qu'il existait des obstacles théoriques à la fission nucléaire qui n'avaient pas été surmontés. Explore Beria's 1. He earlier worked for the anti-Bolshevik Mussavatists in Baku. When Stalin fell unconscious again, Beria immediately stood and spat. In 1945, Beria attended the Yalta Conference with Stalin, who introduced him to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt as "our Himmler". La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 4 janvier 2021 à 08:47. Beria also worked for the anti-Bolshevik Mussavatists in Baku. Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria ( / b ɛ r i ə /; rosyjski: Лаврентий Павлович Берия, IPA: ; gruziński: ლავრენტი პავლეს ძე ბერია, translit. After 1946, Beria formed an alliance with Malenkov to counter Zhdanov's rise. [23] Lozgachev tried to explain to Beria that the unconscious Stalin (still in his soiled clothing) was "sick and needed medical attention". in Mercheuli bei Sochumi, Gouvernement Kutaissi, Russisches Kaiserreich, heute Georgien; 23. These men were frequently accused of Zionism, "rootless cosmopolitanism", and providing weapons to Israel. The Polytechnicum's curriculum concentrated on the petroleum industry. At the opening of Kingsley Amis' The Alteration, Lavrentiy Beria figures as "Monsignor Laurentius", paired with the similarly black-clad cleric "Monsignor Henricus" of the Holy Office (i.e., the Inquisition); the one to whom Beria was compared by Stalin in our own timeline: Heinrich Himmler. / 29. března 1899 greg. Defence Minister Nikolai Bulganin ordered the Kantemirovskaya Tank Division and Tamanskaya Motor Rifle Division to move into Moscow to prevent security forces loyal to Beria from rescuing him. Le corps de Beria est ensuite immédiatement incinéré et ses cendres dispersées dans la forêt proche de Moscou. Son rival Viktor Abakoumov est lui aussi exécuté, en 1954. En novembre 1938, Staline le nomme à la tête du NKVD, la police secrète de l'Union soviétique en remplacement de Nikolaï Iejov, qu'il fait exécuter en mars 1940. In 1941, Beria was made a Commissar General of State Security, the highest quasi-military rank within the Soviet police system of that time, effectively comparable to a Marshal of the Soviet Union. NINA ALEXEVA has had no peace ever since a researcher working on Soviet-era archives found her name in the address book of Lavrenty Beria, Stalin's notoriously licentious secret police chief. Quelques jours plus tard, le 31 décembre 1953, il fut déchu à titre posthume de tous les titres et médailles qui lui avaient été décernés. En juillet 1954, Ivan Serov, sur ordre de Khrouchtchev, fit collecter et détruire la plupart des archives de Beria, qui auraient révélé, selon Serov, la complicité de toutes les personnalités dirigeantes dans les crimes staliniens[21]. He used the opportunity to settle many old scores in the politically turbulent Transcaucasian republics. Lavrentiy Beria was a Soviet politician who served as the Marshal of the Soviet Union. Staline, de plus en plus paranoïaque, craint constamment pour sa vie et veut se débarrasser de lui. [29] While the rest of Stalin's inner circle (even Molotov, saved from certain liquidation) stood sobbing unashamedly over the body, Beria reportedly appeared "radiant", "regenerated" and "glistening with ill-concealed relish". Voir le rapport en russe, cité en bibliographie. En 1953, alors que Staline a déjà programmé son élimination en montant de toutes pièces un « complot mingrélien », la mort du dictateur le sauve in extremis. Why are you picking fleas in my trousers?" [40], Khrushchev opposed the alliance between Beria and Malenkov but he was initially unable to challenge them. A number of costly construction projects such as the Salekhard–Igarka Railway were scrapped, and the remaining industrial enterprises became affiliated under corresponding economic ministries. Beria s'empresse d'aller détruire toutes les preuves que le Géorgien avait accumulées contre lui[16]. [10] When Stalin's purge of the Communist Party and government began in 1934 after the assassination of Leningrad party boss Sergei Kirov (1 December 1934), Beria ran the purges in Transcaucasia. : Lavrent'i p'avles Dze Beria, IPA: ; 29 marca [ OS 17 marca] 1899 - 23 grudnia 1953) był sowieckim politykiem, marszałkiem Związku Radzieckiego i … In 1918, he led a band of 300 pro-Bolshevik peasants in a guerrilla revolt against the Democratic Republic of Georgia in the mountains of Racha and Lechkhumi (northwest Georgia). Ces accusations n'ont jamais été sérieusement démenties. By 1922, Beria was deputy head of the Georgian branch of Cheka's successor, the OGPU. Cette audace lui permet d'être remarqué par Anastase Mikoïan et les amis directs de Staline. Staline le présente à Ribbentrop comme « le chef de notre Gestapo » lors de la signature du Pacte germano-soviétique ; lors de la conférence de Yalta, il le présente comme « notre Himmler » au président des États-Unis Franklin Roosevelt[1]. In the 2008 BBC documentary series World War II: Behind Closed Doors, Beria was portrayed by Polish actor Krzysztof Dracz [pl]. Son caractère méthodique et impitoyable le fait recruter par la Tchéka, première police politique bolchévique, avec l’appui de Sergo Ordjonikidze, qui l’aurait auparavant sauvé d’une exécution[2] et l’avait aidé à échapper aux accusations de collaboration avec les mencheviks[5]. Beria's bodyguards reported that their duties included handing each victim a flower bouquet as she left the house. Dezember 1953 in Moskau) war ein kommunistischer Politiker und ab 1938 Chef der Geheimdienste der Sowjetunion. Khrushchev then tried to draw Malenkov to his side, warning that "Beria is sharpening his knives". Lavrentij Pavlovič Berija (gruzínsky ლავრენტი პავლეს ძე ბერია, Lavrenti Pavles dze Beria; rusky Лавре́нтий Па́влович Бе́рия; 17. března jul. [52] After his death, charges of sexual abuse and rape were disputed by people close to him including his wife Nina and his son Sergo. Lawrenti Beria (georgisch ლავრენტი ბერია; russisch Лаврентий Павлович Берия/Lawrenti Pawlowitsch Berija; wiss. Il engage alors une lutte d'influence au sein du parti communiste géorgien, en particulier contre Gaioz Devdariani (en), ministre de l'Éducation dans la République socialiste soviétique de Géorgie, en ordonnant l'assassinat de ses deux frères, George et Shalva, qui occupaient respectivement des postes importants dans la Tchéka et le parti communiste local. Yakovlev, A.N., Naumov, V., and Sigachev, Y. Géorgien comme Staline, Lavrenti Pavlovitch Beria nait le 29 mars 1899 à Merkheouli, sur la côte caucasienne de la mer Noire, dans une région montagneuse, d'une famille de paysans mingréliens relativement aisée. [28], After Stalin's death on 5 March 1953, Beria's ambitions sprang into full force. In one case, Beria picked up Tatiana Okunevskaya, a well-known Soviet actress, under the pretence of bringing her to perform for the Politburo. Such charges deeply disturbed Beria, as he had directly ordered the sale of large amounts of Czech arms to Israel. Khrushchev became Party Secretary. Elles sont reprises par les biographes récents de Beria[23]. En février 1943, l'action commando des Britanniques contre l'usine d'eau lourde de Vemork, en Norvège occupée, convainquit Staline que « le projet de construction d'une bombe atomique n'avait rien d'illusoire[13]. Il fournit notamment les noms des « bourgeois à assassiner » à Bakou. Les mystères Beria. März 1899greg. Under Nikolai Yezhov, the NKVD carried out the Great Purge: the imprisonment or execution of millions of people throughout the Soviet Union as alleged "enemies of the people". Лавре́нтий Па́влович Бе́рия; 29. maaliskuuta (J: 17. maaliskuuta) 1899 Merheul, Gruusia, Venäjän keisarikunta – 23. joulukuuta 1953 Moskova, Neuvostoliitto) oli neuvostoliittolainen kommunistijohtaja ja turvallisuuspäällikkö. After dining, Beria would take the women into his soundproofed office and rape them. Beria is described as the boss of the Soviet state's security and is in attendance at a meal with the main character and Stalin. Richard Condon's 1959 novel The Manchurian Candidate describes brainwashed Raymond Shaw, the "perfectly prefabricated assassin", as "this dream by Lavrenti Beria". On 5 March 1940, after the Gestapo–NKVD Third Conference was held in Zakopane, Beria sent a note (no. La rumeur selon laquelle Beria aurait tué ou fait tuer Staline est persistante, mais invérifiable[8]. Biogrāfija. Il reste reconnu comme un personnage sadique. [13] Most of them were military officers, but there were also intelligentsia, doctors, priests, and others in a total of 22,000 people. Staline éprouve initialement du dédain pour ce flagorneur[5]. Yezhov was executed in 1940, and one account says he was personally strangled by Beria. She was 17, a trained scientist from an aristocratic family. The NKVD arrested the woman the next day. After the city's capture in April 1920, Beria was saved from execution only because there was no time to arrange it and Sergei Kirov saved him. Beria został mianowany sekretarzem Partii Komunistycznej w Gruzji w 1931 r., A dla całego regionu Zakaukazia w 1932 r . In 1926, Beria became head of the Georgian OGPU; Sergo Ordzhonikidze, head of the Transcaucasian party, introduced him to fellow-Georgian Iosef Dzhughashvili, later known as Joseph Stalin. Sergo Beria, Beria, My Father, Londra, 2001; Nikita Khruschev, Khruschev Remembers: Last Testament, Random House, 1977, ISBN 0-517-17547-9; Pavel Sudoplatov, Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness - A Soviet Spymaster, Little Brown & Co, 1994 ISBN 0-316-77352-2; A.N. Who ... Lavrentiy Beria – Soviet politician - Russian Personalities. Many of Beria's subordinates, proteges and associates were also arrested, among them Vsevolod Merkulov, Bogdan Kobulov, Sergey Goglidze, Vladimir Dekanozov, Pavel Meshik, and Lev Vlodzimirskiy. En fait, Beria s'est assuré une place de choix dans l'entourage du « Père des peuples » en réécrivant l'histoire du parti communiste géorgien, en attribuant à Staline le rôle moteur dans l'histoire du parti communiste en Transcaucasie et en éliminant les vieux bolcheviques qui pourraient contester cette affabulation. Beria gave Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania serious prospects of national autonomy, possibly similarly to other Soviet satellite states in Europe. [citation needed], Beria and all the other defendants were sentenced to death on the day of the trial. Parallèlement, il purge l'appareil policier des hommes de Iejov et organise des procès contre eux, ce qui lui vaut pendant quelque temps une certaine popularité. Il est par la suite membre du Politburo de 1946 à sa mort, et contrôle l'ensemble de la sécurité intérieure et extérieure de l'Union soviétique. En octobre 1931, Staline profite du chaos de la famine pour nommer Beria secrétaire du parti communiste géorgien, puis deuxième secrétaire du Parti de la Fédération transcaucasienne en 1932, arguant que Beria « résout les problèmes alors que le Politburo se contente de gratter du papier ! Il se rapproche de Malenkov. Il était servile et flagorneur avec ses supérieurs[5], mais impitoyable avec ceux qu’il tenait en son pouvoir. Nina Gegechkori : Partido : Partido Comunista da União Soviética: Assinatura : Lavrenti Pavlovitch Beria (em georgiano ლავრენტი ბერია, transl. Nina Gegechkori: Awards: Hero of Socialist Labour (deprived) Signature: Military service; Rank: Marshal of the Soviet Union: Wars: World War II : Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria (/ ˈ b ɛ r i ə /; Russian: Лавре́нтий Па́влович Бе́рия, IPA: [ˈbʲerʲiə]; Georgian: ლავრენტი ბერია, romanized: lavrent'i beria, IPA: ; 29 March [O.S. Märzjul./ 29. [14] All these groups were deported to Soviet Central Asia (see "Population transfer in the Soviet Union"). Stalin, who was also seeking to undermine Beria, was thrilled by the detailed records kept by Sarkisov, demanding: "Send me everything this asshole writes down! World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. The play is a fictionalised account of the events leading up to Stalin's death. Beria's uncompromising ruthlessness in his duties and skill at producing results culminated in his success in overseeing the Soviet atomic bomb project. "[58], The testimony of Sarkisov and Nadaraia has been partially corroborated by Edward Ellis Smith, an American who served in the U.S. embassy in Moscow after the war. MGB head Lavrenti Beria took power in the Soviet Union during World War III, following Joseph Stalin's death in the USA's hydrogen bombing of Omsk. Sergo went back to Georgia with his own son, also a scientist, to bury her. A expressão poderá se aplicar ao filho de Lavrenti Béria, cuja versão francesa de suas memórias publicada em 1999, diz outra coisa, até mesmo o inverso daquilo que afirmavam suas recordações … Over 100,000 people were released from the labour camps. März 1899greg. La carrière de Beria se termine dans des conditions extrêmement difficiles. A expressão poderá se aplicar ao filho de Lavrenti Béria, cuja versão francesa de suas memórias publicada em 1999, diz outra coisa, até mesmo o inverso daquilo que afirmavam suas recordações publicadas em 1994, na Rússia; sua memória se transforma com o correr do tempo ou da pressão social. Look Up Any Name. En 1935, Beria est l'un de ses subordonnés en qui Staline a le plus confiance. He reportedly won Stalin's favour in the early 1930s, after faking a conspiracy to assassinate the Soviet leader that he then claimed to have foiled. Staline, qui s'inquiète de la puissance de Beria, décide en 1946 une profonde réorganisation de la police politique, des services secrets et de l’administration du Goulag. Lavrentiy Beria – Soviet politician - Russian Personalities In the mid 1990s, the skeletal remains of several young women were discovered in the garden of his Moscow villa (now the Tunisian Embassy). He later officially joined the Politburo in 1946. Ils ont eu un fils en 1924, Sergo[3], décédé en 2000. L’historien Thaddeus Wittlin explique : « Il ne fait pas de doute que les paroles du dictateur ne sont pas une menace vaine. Sarkisov reported that after one woman rejected Beria's advances and ran out of his office, Sarkisov mistakenly handed her the flowers anyway. Beria was taken completely by surprise. [22][page needed], Stalin's aide Vasili Lozgachev reported that Beria and Malenkov were the first members of the Politburo to see Stalin's condition when he was found unconscious. In the 1981 novel Noble House by James Clavell set in 1963 Hong Kong, the main character Ian Dunross received from Alan Medford Grant a set of secret documents regarding a Soviet spy-ring in Hong Kong code-named "Sevrin". Lavrenti Pávlovich Beria (en georgiano: ლავრენტი პავლეს ძე ბერია Lavrent'i P'avles dze Beria; en ruso: Лаврентий Павлович Берия Lavrenti Pávlovich Bériya; Merkheuli, ókrug de Sujumi, Imperio ruso, 17 de marzojul. After the city's capture by the Red Army (28 April 1920), Beria was saved from execution only because there was likely little arrangement time and Sergei Kirov had possibly intervened. Beria undertook some measures of liberalisation immediately after Stalin's death. Although he had never held a traditional military command, Beria made a significant contribution to the victory of the Soviet Union in World War II through his organisation of wartime production and his use of partisans. Look Up Any Name. Malgré cela, à sa deuxième visite, il change d’avis et finit par s’attacher à Beria, « mon ami, un bon tchékiste », contre l’avis de sa femme, de Kirov et de Sergo qui le mettent en garde contre Beria[7]. His close ally Malenkov was the new Premier and initially the most powerful man in the post-Stalin leadership. The latter two did not want to risk Stalin's wrath by checking themselves. Born Nina Gegechkori, Beria’s future wife was related both to the old Bolshevik Sasha and to various members of the Menshevik government in Georgia. Beria was born in Merkheuli, near Sukhumi, in the Sukhum Okrug of the Kutais Governorate (now Gulripshi District, Abkhazia, then part of the Russian Empire). Toutefois, les missions de renseignement dans les milieux scientifiques et sympathisants montraient que les Britanniques et les Américains envisageaient une telle hypothèse. Lavrenti Pavlovitch Beria (Lavrenti Pavles dze Beria, en géorgien : ლავრენტი პავლეს ძე ბერია ; Lavrentiï Pavlovitch Beria, en russe : Лавре́нтий Па́влович Бе́рия), né le 29 mars 1899 à Merkheoul (Empire russe, actuelle république séparatiste géorgienne d'Abkhazie) et mort le 23 décembre 1953 à Moscou, est un homme politique soviétique. Ignatiev organise aussitôt contre Beria, à la demande de Staline, le montage de deux affaires de trahison : le « complot mingrélien », puis le complot des blouses blanches. Le nouveau responsable, Ignatiev, monte un dossier à la demande de Staline. Selon Sergo Beria, son fils, il n'est ni marxiste, ni communiste mais, ambitieux, il décide d'entamer une carrière d'apparatchik classique au sein du parti communiste[3]. Beria was first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers and an influential Politburo member and saw himself as Stalin's successor, while wider Politburo members had contrasting thoughts on future leadership. En 1924, il dirige la répression du soulèvement d'août des nationalistes géorgiens, organisant l'exécution de 10 000 partisans. Abakumov was already aggressively building a case against Beria. The government officially admitted that there had been some injustice and "excesses" during the purges, which were blamed entirely on Yezhov. Il a une tactique et un programme. In fact Beria knew that Okunevskaya's relatives had been executed months earlier. Similar investigations in Poland and other Soviet satellite countries occurred at the same time. While in prison, he fell in love with Nina Gegechkori (1905–10 June 1991), his cellmate's niece, and they eloped on a train. En cette période de 1936, inutile de prendre des précautions. [citation needed], Beria and the others were tried by a "special session" (специальное судебное присутствие) of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union on 23 December 1953 with no defence counsel and no right of appeal. Ses collègues craignent Beria, qui en tant que chef du NKVD dispose de pouvoirs quasi-illimités et qui montre ses ambitions[3]. Le ministère de la Sûreté de l'État lui est retiré. Concurrently, the Soviet press began an anti-Semitic propaganda campaign, euphemistically termed the "struggle against rootless cosmopolitanism". Il sait qu'il existe d'autres ambitions. Er war mit Nina Gegechkori verheiratet. This fits an account from Khrushchev's perspective. Astucieusement, il s'engage dans l'armée, puis dans les rangs adverses mencheviks, au service du Moussavat nationaliste[2], en prétendant jouer double jeu. Beria was appointed Secretary of the Communist Party in Georgia in 1931, and for the whole Transcaucasian region in 1932. Phone Number 2. Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. They had a talk with Eduard … [2][3] After the war, he organised the communist takeover of the state institutions in central and eastern Europe. Beria was born in Merkheuli, near Sukhumi, in the Sukhum Okrug of the Kutais Governorate (now Gulripshi District, Abkhazia, Georgia, then part of the Russian Empire). Beria was born out of wedlock in Merkheuli, near Sukhumi, in the Sukhumi district of Kutaisi governorate (now Gulripshi District, Georgia, then part of the Russian Empire). Although he did not rise to full membership until 1946, he was by then one of the senior leaders of the Soviet state. Simon Sebag Montefiore qualifie Beria de « pervers », de « violeur », et relate qu'il avait pour habitude de conduire en limousine la nuit à Moscou afin d'enlever des femmes pour en abuser sexuellement. For the town in Australia, see, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (, First Deputy Premier and Soviet triumvirate. Märzjul./ 29. Son sadisme était notable, même parmi les bourreaux du NKVD ; l’un d’entre eux dit d’ailleurs de lui que « Beria est un homme à qui il ne coûte rien de tuer son meilleur ami si celui-ci a dit du mal de lui »[2]. Accepting it implied that the sex had been consensual; refusal would mean arrest. Sigachev, Lavrenty Beria, 1953. For the town in Australia, see |Beria, Western Au... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. When Stalin showed signs of consciousness, Beria dropped to his knees and kissed his hand. On 26 June 1953, Beria was arrested and held in an undisclosed location near Moscow. In 1951, Abakumov was replaced by Semyon Ignatyev, who further intensified the anti-Semitic campaign. Rotfeld, Adam Daniel; Torkunov, Anatoly (2015). Beria is a minor character in the 2009 novel The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson. This was the beginning of Beria's alliance with Malenkov, which later became of central importance. He always used it when introducing himself.